灰姑娘的聖誕節 第一幕 旁白:這是一個關於灰姑娘、後母、姊姊、魔鏡和聖誕老公公在聖誕節所發生的故事。 第二幕 旁白:灰姑娘垂頭喪氣的走進閣樓,對著她唯一的朋友魔鏡訴苦。Viviya walks into the attic unhappy, to complain to her only friend magic mirror. 第三幕 旁白:在聖誕派對中,後母和姊姊沉浸在派對的歡樂氣氛中,此時打扮成麋鹿的灰姑娘也在派對中瘋狂的熱舞。In the Christmas party, everyone enjoys happiness of the party. 第四幕 (場景是灰姑娘掃地擦鏡子,端茶給坐著的後母和姊姊,魔鏡和聖誕老公公在鏡子裡喝茶) Final, wish everyone's Merry Christmas!
This is a story about Cinderella stepmother、sisters、magic mirror and Santa Claus in the Christmas.
This is a cold afternoon of the Christmas. Viviya is busy in sweeping the house.
後母:灰姑娘!灰姑娘! Viviya!Viviya!(沒錯!我演的就是灰姑娘)(灰姑娘匆匆跑來,手裡拿著掃把)
灰姑娘:是的,媽媽。有什麼事嗎? Yes, mother. What’s matter?
後母:妳還敢問?下午茶呢?(捏住灰姑娘耳朵) Where is my afternoon tea?
灰姑娘:已經準備好了(拿出下午茶) I have already prepared.
後母:這還差不多。去叫我女兒起床,今天是聖誕夜,我們晚上要去參加聖誕派對,要趕快打扮一下。Good. Call my daughters get up. Today is Christmas Eve. We will attend the Christmas party in the evening.
灰姑娘:是的,媽媽。 Yes, mother.
旁白:灰姑娘走到姊姊們的房間。 Viviya walks to sister’s room.
灰姑娘:(搖)姊姊,起床了。 Sisters, get up.
大姊:(打哈欠伸懶腰)什麼時候了? When now?
灰姑娘:已經下午了。 Already afternoon.
二姊:媽媽呢? Where is Mummy?
灰姑娘:媽媽在客廳等妳喝下午茶。 Mother is in the living room.
旁白:姊姊們懶懶地走進客廳。 The sisters are walking into the living room lazily.
大姊:灰姑娘,我要咖啡和蛋糕。 Viviya, I want the coffee and cake.
二姊:我要奶茶。 I want the milk tea.
灰姑娘:好的,姊姊。 Yes, sisters.
旁白:灰姑娘拿來下午茶,猶豫對後母說。Viviya takes to the afternoon tea, hesitate to say to the stepmother.
灰姑娘:嗯……媽媽…… Umm…mother
後母:(看著雜誌)做什麼? What?
灰姑娘:我晚上也可以去參加聖誕派對嗎?Could I also attend the Christmas party in the evening?
後母:(瞪灰姑娘)妳說什麼?沒事做了嗎?What do you say?Do you have no matter to do?
灰姑娘:(害怕)我的工作都做完了…… My works are all finished.
大姊:做完了就再做一次,還有我的房間該整理了!Do again!And my room should tidy up!
二姊:去把衣服洗一洗! Go to wash the clothes!
後母:(冷冷地翻雜誌)聽到妳姊姊的話了,還不快去! Hurry up!
灰姑娘:(坐在魔鏡前)魔鏡啊魔鏡,我想去參加聖誕派對!但媽媽不讓我去。Mirror、mirror, I want to attend the Christmas party!But mother doesn’t let me go.
魔鏡:是哦~真可憐!妳的後母、姊姊怎麼可以這樣對妳呢?其實不瞞妳說,我從前每到聖誔節就會和聖誕老公公一起去參加派對,可是年紀大了,所以這幾年每到聖誔節我就只想待在鏡子裡睡覺。沒關係,我找人來幫妳!(大叫)聖誕老公公!Oh!Poor girl!That is all right. I look for person to help you. Santa Claus!
聖誕老公公:(走進鏡子裡)什麼事? What’s matter?
魔鏡:聖誕老公公,幫灰姑娘去參加派對吧!Helping Viviya attends the party!
聖誕老公公:(思考中)妳願意打扮成麋鹿嗎?Well, Would you like to dressing as the elk?
灰姑娘:為了參加耶誕派對狂喝熱舞,我願意! Yes, I do!
旁白:於是聖誕老公公,從鏡子中走了出來,並且把灰姑娘打扮成了麋鹿。Thus, Santa Claus dressing as Viviya as the elk.
後母:(對著姊姊說)妳看那隻在跳舞的麋鹿長得好像我們家的灰姑娘哦!Look!daughters,that elk looks like Viviya.
大姊:對耶!不過我們已經把灰姑娘鎖在閣樓裡了,所以她不可能出現在這裡。But we have already locked her in the attic, so impossibly is she.
二姊:媽妳是不是喝醉啦!? Mummy, you may get drunk.
後母:嗯…應該是我喝醉啦! Umm… I think so.
旁白:這時,聖誕老公公看見了時鐘,突然想起一個有點嚴重的問題。By the time, Santa Claus saw the clock, remind of the problem of a severity.
聖誕老公公:灰姑娘,我們要趕快離開了,因為我的魔法過了十二點就會結束!Viviya, we wanted to rush through to leave, Because my magic is leading 12:00 will end.
灰姑娘:什麼?! What?!
聖誕老公公:快走快走,再五分鐘就十二點了! Hurry up!
旁白:聖誕老公公拉著灰姑娘離開派對,可是就在他們跑到門口時,十二點的鐘聲響了起來(旁白配音)聖誕老公公的魔法消失了,灰姑娘變回了原來的模樣,她戴的麋鹿面具靜靜地掉在地上。Santa Claus bring Viviya to leave the party,but at they run the doorway, the bell at 12:00 rang to get up, the magic to fall away; she changes to return to original shape, the elk mask drops on the ground.
The Christmas ended, Viviya still busy to doing the family affairs and serve her stepmother and sisters.
But from now on, the Christmas of every year, wills appear a mysterious girl that dressing as the elk in the party. No one knows who she is.
So, the story ends.